Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Mike Mills Is Truly The Living Legend Of BBQ

Since I started to pick up the BBQ torch from my Granddad many years ago, I decided to learn from the best. I've now taken three BBQ classes and two of them have been with "The Legend" Mike Mills, the man, the force and the drive behind the 17th Street Bar & Grill in Murphysboro, Illinois.

Not only does Mike run 4 BBQ joints in Illinois bearing the 17th Street moniker, he also owns 3 Memphis Championship BBQ restaurants  in Las Vegas. Now, I haven't been to Vegas in years, but to alter a quote, "7 come 11, Papa needs another slab of ribs" would be appropriate.

The 2nd class I took from Mike, his daughter Amy and Down Under BBQ guy, Paul Mackay was aimed at running a BBQ joint and the info was priceless; if you're thinking about opening a BBQ business, it is a MUST attend. You will learn and share with Mike, Amy, Paul and other class attendees and learn real-world answers to real-world problems.

The best thing of all, for me, is Mike Mills. I can now say that Mike Mills is a friend of mine; I am blessed.

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